Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Class 9/29

Today in class we did corrective for the first time. It was the first time I had done basic corrective with the Ben nye kit and green and yellow sticks. I wish it wasn't stage make up because I loved the way it looked on my face!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class 9/27

Today in class we found out the colors for our foundation. I found out my natural color is a lot darker than I thought it would be. We also mixed our high light and shadow!

Class 9/22

Today we mixes colors with our ben nye kit. The first one I did was the natural colors that could be used for rouge, lip applications and other things like that. My favorite, however, was the colors for abrasions and bruises. They were gross and awesome at the same time!

Class 9/24

Today we started using our ben nye kits! I was very excited to finally get my hands on it. We started mixing the different foundation colors and I could not believe how many options you could have with just five bases! Like sue says, color is a wonderful thing!

Also, I will finally be able to put pictures up soon! My camera is now working, and I just need to find the cord to hook it up to my computer.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Class 9/17

We did make up for the first time today! It was incredible! To see my design come to life was such an amazing feeling! It did take some tweaking after we were aloud for me to get exactly what I wanted, but it's trial and error after all. I will post a picture after Andy e mails it to me.

Class 9/15

I now fully appreciate a make up designer, and how much work they put into what they do. It would be so time consuming to transfer the designs to each actors face like we're doing. Although, as strange as it is, I actually enjoy it! I find it very interesting.

Class 9/13

The painting of the clowns is very frustrating! I feel that what I am envisioning is not being portrayed onto the paper! I'm hoping that when it goes to make up, it will look better.

Class 9/10

I'm very excited to get the clown project up and running! I've never noticed how many different types of clowns there are before.

Class 9/8

Unfortunately I missed class today, but I did make a discovery. On television show, I noticed on one of the actresses correctives, they thinned her nose! It was an exciting discovery.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Class 9/1

Today in class we worked on mixing paints and using brushes. It was so much fun! I feel that mixing high lights will be easier than mixing shades.